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Originally posted by videoholic You must be Dan, or whatever his boyfriend\'s name is he thanked. DId you get all googly inside?
Originally posted by Jumpman I can\'t believe people actually took that seriously. Although I guess since I\'m never wrong it came off reasonably believable?
Originally posted by (e) Your a ****ing moron, You were serious, now you are just trying to loop a way out.
Originally posted by videoholic Peter Jackson is a slob. I agree.Can someone please explain why people are acclaiming Lost in Translation.I wouldn\'t even say it was good, let alone an oscar consideration.What is up with that?
Originally posted by Jumpman I think those anti-depressants you\'re taking are melting your brain.If I was serious, then why am I still posting now?TEH LOGIC TRAIN STRIKZ @GaIn.