wow, didn\'t know ffxi is out already. So, how much did you pay for it, do you also bought the hdd and how much did they charge the online fee per month thingy?
The PC version is out, not the PS2\'s one.
Seriously DAOC is a great game just play it now bitches.
I wouldnt recommend anyone to start fresh on EQ, DaOC today.. i\'ve tried for fun to start a new untwink level 1 character on another server (EQ) and tell you what. it suck to starts with 5gp and no one to talk to

about every zone are empty, no one to group with..
to start with MMO, i guess its better to go SWG, PlanetSide and FF11 (or any game that wouldnt take to long to caught up with the majority of players level)
City of heroes due out soon, Lineage2 (and possibly WoW, due out before 2010).. heard Ragnarok not too bad also, but lots of chearters.