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next week friday i will release the avi from fable *text* you will see next week - it\'s the stuff that was on gamespot last week we are releasing high quality and proper sound *text* no i can only release it next friday 5 pm edit : [LH]JamieJust to add to Sam\'s message, the hi res video release is edited down to 1 minute of highlights from the fuller video that was on display at DICE.
One of the big items recently was the one about Horns and Halos, which started to live a life of itself. Of course these things are in, no doubt about it. What some people didn\'t understand is that when the press saw the versions of the hero with the horns (evil) or butterflies (good), they were shown very extreme versions of your character. Also, this game is still in development, the whole process of Horns and Halos – just like everything else – will be tweaked and polished as we speak, even toned down, and as you play the game, these alterations to your character happen over a very long period of time… something we\'re not blessed with when giving a press demonstration. Many people also made a buzz about the fences they saw recently in the videos thinking this meant there were no opportunities to explore the world. People thought that Fable wasn’t free roaming. But this doesn’t mean it is non-free-roaming either; it’s just different. For all those who are afraid they can\'t wander in to a big forest and get lost; don\'t worry you can! I got lost in a big forest that had no pre-defined paths and that had several secret locations (like a cave behind a bush).Because I got tired of most of the grumbling about the so called lack of an open and free world, I started to play Fable a lot last week. To the point where I started dreaming at night about the female heroes of Albion who got rather interested in me and my very *sensual* (cough) body. My god, Briar Rose certainly is a hot chick! I also managed to have a different experience every time I played it. One day I just wandered around, interacted with the townspeople and ran after some chickens. Great was the surprise when people started to call me chicken chaser in the local town!