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Author Topic: Bombs kill 173 in Spain  (Read 5086 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2004, 07:57:37 AM »
Truth hurts doesn\'t it fastson? ;)  The socialists never would have been elected in Spain if those bombs hadn\'t gone off.  Bin Laden must be pretty happy right about now considering he can influence the outcome of a national election in the so called "free world" to his favor.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2004, 08:03:42 AM »
No it does not hurt.. Im happy to have yet another fellow socialistic government in Europe.

The people rule! :)

The socialists never would have been elected in Spain if those bombs hadn\'t gone off.

Are you sure? They were pretty close.

“A week before the election Partido popular was in the lead with 42% against 38% for PSOE. Four days later the trains blew up. The result for the election was 37.6% for PP and 42.6% for PSOE.”

And you know the surveys are always off. :)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 08:08:51 AM by fastson »
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2004, 08:10:32 AM »
Western Europe is for the weak.  Even the Polish have more determination than the Spanish... Yeah they were attacked and now they want to bury their heads in the sand.  That vote proved it.  Granted if the new government would have taken the same approach regarding terror and Iraq as the first one did - it would have shown Bin Laden and company that Europe can\'t be intimidated.  

If I remember correctly the last socialist government in Spain was swept from power due to its own corruption.  So much for your Utopia...
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline GigaShadow
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2004, 08:18:00 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
No it does not hurt.. Im happy to have yet another fellow socialistic government in Europe.

The people rule! :)

Are you sure? They were pretty close.

“A week before the election Partido popular was in the lead with 42% against 38% for PSOE. Four days later the trains blew up. The result for the election was 37.6% for PP and 42.6% for PSOE.”

And you know the surveys are always off. :)

Do you need further proof?

"But on election day voters expressed anger with the government, accusing it of provoking the Madrid attacks by supporting the U.S.-led war in Iraq, which a vast majority of Spaniards opposed. "

Like I said, the bombings influenced the election - you have to really be ignorant to think that they didn\'t.  

"I wasn\'t planning to vote, but I am here today because the Popular Party is responsible for murders here and in Iraq," said Ernesto Sanchez-Gey, 48, who voted in Barcelona.


Socialism is a joke - I see the Spanish Stock Market is taking a dive today as a direct result of the communists... um I mean socialists coming to power.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 08:19:29 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2004, 08:30:57 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Western Europe is for the weak.

:rolleyes: Its weak because it does not want to send soldiers to get killed?
Even the Polish have more determination than the Spanish...

The Poles will do anything that will get them attention. They did not send soldiers to Iraq for free, no.. Your government promised them great fortunes, investments, contracts etc.

Yeah they were attacked and now they want to bury their heads in the sand.

Did you ignore what I said.. The Spanish people along with most of the people in Europe was against the war. They did not want to send people there in the first place.

So much for your Utopia...

Like corruption is not present in "right"-wing countries. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

Like I said, the bombings influenced the election - you have to really be ignorant to think that they didn\'t.

I never said it didn’t, but the results was pretty close before it happened.
And since the surveys are off a great deal (I remember the last election here when the conservatives BOMBED (damn that was funny :D ), no survey showed this) the race might have been more close then it appeared.

Socialism is a joke - I see the Spanish Stock Market is taking a dive today as a direct result of the communists... um I mean socialists coming to power.

And commies eat kids, remember?
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2004, 08:41:54 AM »
Osama says "jump" and some of you would ask "How high, oh great fearful one?"
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2004, 08:46:36 AM »
And one thinks: Think independently, or do what the world police says?

"Jump" "How high, officer?"
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Offline GigaShadow
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2004, 08:46:57 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
:rolleyes: Its weak because it does not want to send soldiers to get killed?

It is weak for bending to the will of terrorists.  See below.

The Poles will do anything that will get them attention. They did not send soldiers to Iraq for free, no.. Your government promised them great fortunes, investments, contracts etc.

Of course they will get contracts - just as Spain DID.  If you help you should be rewarded.  If you don\'t - don\'t cry when your country isn\'t awarded anything.

Did you ignore what I said.. The Spanish people along with most of the people in Europe was against the war. They did not want to send people there in the first place.

That isn\'t the point - the point is the election was decided by terrorists - not by the people.  Try to comprehend what I am saying - I couldn\'t care less if Spain has troops there or not (their 1300 aren\'t that significant) - what I do care about is the ability of terrorism to influence people\'s decisions and a countries policy.  To say that it didn\'t is pure fantasy.  


Like corruption is not present in "right"-wing countries. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

Corruption exists everywhere - I do find it funny that the Spanish economy flourished when the Socialists were voted out.

I never said it didn’t, but the results was pretty close before it happened.
And since the surveys are off a great deal (I remember the last election here when the conservatives BOMBED (damn that was funny :D ), no survey showed this) the race might have been more close then it appeared.

Even by implying that it wouldn\'t have mattered is wrong.  It is clear that the timing of the attack was planned right before the election.


and commies eat kids, remember?

Actually the communists aren\'t nearly as bad as you socialists... at least they had (USSR) a spine and dealt with threats instead of submitting to them.  Fast forward to Russia today and you see the same thing - When terrorists attacked that theater in Moscow - it didn\'t deter Putin from doing what was right - don\'t negotiate with terrorists.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 08:49:42 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2004, 08:49:04 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
And one thinks: Think independently, or do what the world police says?

"Jump" "How high, officer?"

This is what is fundamentally wrong with people like you fastson - you have no grasp as to who your real enemy is.  It probably won\'t happen in your lifetime, but if Europe continues down the path of appeasement it will be conquered - not by the US, but by the ones you are now appeasing.  No wonder Hitler conquered most of the continent...

Gman, they want the best of both worlds - they want us to fund the UN and act as the global police force (they whine when we don\'t intervene) and then criticize us when we do and don\'t get their approval. :rolleyes:

The UN is irrelevant.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 08:51:57 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2004, 09:00:49 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
This is what is fundamentally wrong with people like you fastson - you have no grasp as to who your real enemy is.  It probably won\'t happen in your lifetime, but if Europe continues down the path of appeasement it will be conquered - not by the US, but by the ones you are now appeasing.  No wonder Hitler conquered most of the continent...

Thats nice.. So by "thinking independently" Im "appeasing" who?
Do not think I agree with Usama or some other Muslim lunatic.
But don’t think I will agree anyone just because he has the most power.

I know you like to think Muslims will take over Europe.
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2004, 09:03:48 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
Thats nice.. So by "thinking independently" Im "appeasing" who?
Do not think I agree with Usama or some other Muslim lunatic.
But don’t think I will agree anyone just because he has the most power.

I know you like to think Muslims will take over Europe.

It has already begun.  Spain was a likely target for Osama even if there were no troops in Iraq due to the Osama\'s bitterness over the history of Islam in Spain, or rather the end of its history in Spain.

Answer this question fastson... who is the bigger threat to the world in your opinion and why?

Bush or Bin Laden?
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2004, 09:30:35 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
It has already begun.  Spain was a likely target for Osama even if there were no troops in Iraq due to the Osama\'s bitterness over the history of Islam in Spain, or rather the end of its history in Spain.

Is it confirmed to have been al-Queda? I know "AQ" has taken responsibility for the bombing, but some still suspect some Moroccan group?

In all honesty, do you think one man or a "small" network can take over a continent? The fear for the Muslims/Islam is starting to sound like the fear for Jews during WW2.. Some people think they all are apart of a huge network and its in their genies to murder and kill civilians, like the Nazis said Jews were part of a huge network with one goal, to steal money from the Germans and become rich!

who is the bigger threat to the world in your opinion and why?

Bush or Bin Laden?

Right now, bin Laden.. Even though he sits somewhere in the desert with several days of delay before he gets any news, he does have lots of loyal followers, but not nearly enough to take over a country or a continent for that matter.

He can make bombs go off, planes crash causing devastation for a time. But Usamas powers are greatly over hyped in my honest opinion. I think he is feared not because of his "powers" but because his network can remain undetected, he\'s not your regular enemy.

Though only one man of those two has the ability to destroy the world.

But Usama is my answer.
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2004, 09:48:55 AM »
Why is Spain withdrawing? The US gets 4,000 killed in a terrorist attack, and goes and hunts them down. I know they don\'t have a powerful military but shit, they\'re just doing exactly what the terrorists wanted. I know the people related to the people murdered are now wanting to fight terrorism. Wouldn\'t you be wanting to hunt down terrorists if your mother or father was blown up by them fastson?

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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2004, 09:59:28 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi
Why is Spain withdrawing? The US gets 4,000 killed in a terrorist attack, and goes and hunts them down. I know they don\'t have a powerful military but shit, they\'re just doing exactly what the terrorists wanted. I know the people related to the people murdered are now wanting to fight terrorism. Wouldn\'t you be wanting to hunt down terrorists if your mother or father was blown up by them fastson?

I really hate to say it, but there are some in Spain and here in the US who are secretly happy about the attacks in Madrid.  Anything that benefits the terrorists benefits anti Bush people here in the US and abroad.

As for your question - it is because they are weak and want to give up.  Some have no stomach for even one life lost in a battle against pure evil. :rolleyes:
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bombs kill 173 in Spain
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2004, 10:20:40 AM »
It is easy for you to condemn Europe during WW2 when you know what happened.

You can\'t predict the future, at the time, avoiding another World War was a better option.
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