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Author Topic: Can\'t believe this... Another computer problem (internet connection related)  (Read 1251 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Exactly. Computers are built to be ran all the time. You should not worry about leaving it on to much. Like I said earlier, servers and things like that are never shut down unless there is an emergency.

Offline SwifDi
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Alright, I spoke to the friend who built the computer and he said it is actually the liquid capacitators on the motherboard that may have leaked. Also because of this problem the voltages are out of whack, causing my network card to perform like crap.

So yeah, he\'s gonna browse for a new motherboard that I can get.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Originally posted by SwifDi
Alright, I spoke to the friend who built the computer and he said it is actually the liquid capacitators on the motherboard that may have leaked. Also because of this problem the voltages are out of whack, causing my network card to perform like crap.

So yeah, he\'s gonna browse for a new motherboard that I can get.

I hate to say this - but are you sure your friend is reliable when it comes to computers? Just a thought.

Offline Capcom
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There are some mb\'s that have capicators that go out. There is an entire series I am aware of that goes across multiple manufacturers. They tend to make the pc reboot a bunch.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Originally posted by Capcom
There are some mb\'s that have capicators that go out. There is an entire series I am aware of that goes across multiple manufacturers. They tend to make the pc reboot a bunch.

I had not heard of this problem - though it does not surprise me either.

In the words of Bruce Lee:
Snatch the peebles out of my hand.

Or something..
Alright - I am rambling!

Offline SwifDi
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Yeah, he is pretty qualified to say the least, got a Comp. Sci degree at Miami of Ohio I think... That and he did build the computer.

He also mentioned what Capcom said, he said the whole series is infamous for jerkin off like this.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Ah. I was not trying to diss him, I just know there are a lot of people who claim to be "inclined" - but really are not. It doesn\'t take a brilliant person to build a PC.

Still - any idea on wht MOBO you are goin\' to get? And what kind do you have now?

Offline Coredweller
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I guess you guys who leave your computers on don\'t care much about your electricity bill?  It is costing you something in power, and if the PC isn\'t functioning as a server while you\'re away, then what purpose is there for leaving it on?

I know PCs have energy saving features like sleep mode and so forth, but I always disable that stuff completely.  I don\'t want my PC going to sleep while it\'s supposed to be doing something.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Originally posted by Coredweller
I guess you guys who leave your computers on don\'t care much about your electricity bill?  It is costing you something in power, and if the PC isn\'t functioning as a server while you\'re away, then what purpose is there for leaving it on?

I know PCs have energy saving features like sleep mode and so forth, but I always disable that stuff completely.  I don\'t want my PC going to sleep while it\'s supposed to be doing something.

As many electronics as I leave on, and not counting heat and what not, my bill is still only around $100,

Offline Coredweller
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That is much higher than my electricity bill.  The point is not how much you\'re paying.  No matter how little it is, you would be paying LESS if you didn\'t leave all that stuff turned on.
Let the Eagle Soar!
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Originally posted by Coredweller
That is much higher than my electricity bill.  The point is not how much you\'re paying.  No matter how little it is, you would be paying LESS if you didn\'t leave all that stuff turned on.

I got your point - but I am lazy and I don\'t like to have to boot things up, therefor I leave them on...Example:

PC stays on
Fan / AC stays on
Sattelite Receiver stays on
Two DVD player\'s stay in \'STANDBY\' mode.
Audio Receiver stays on
Lights stay on (most the time)

List goes on and on. I would rather pay for stuff to be on when I want them on, then have to power things up. Yes, I\'m lazy - but oh well. Anyways, the whole point was that PC\'s are built to stay on all the time, therefor that should ot nof effected his power supply.

It all depends on the person. Obviously if you are someone who wants to account for every dime and are always looking for more effective and cheaper ways of living, then yes, it is most cost effective to cut your PC off and other electronics when you are finished with them. If you are someone like me, who hates to wait for something to Boot up (PC) Warm up (TV tubes) and don\'t mind paying the difference, then go ahead and leave those things on (well \' cept the TV, due to burn in).

Offline SwifDi
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Great thing about living in a military household is: No utility bills.

And the guy that built the computer is currently seeking out a new mobo for the computer.


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