North America\'s Biggest Subscription-Based Online Game Is Five Years Old -
SAN DIEGO, March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE),
a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today begins
celebrations in honor of the fifth year of EverQuest, North America\'s biggest
massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. Since its launch on March 16, 1999,
EverQuest and its expansions have sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide and
continues to be one of the gaming industry\'s biggest and most influential
titles. Translated into seven languages, with a global player base of more
than 420,000 people, EverQuest is one of the largest and most dynamic online
fantasy worlds ever created.
Fast facts about EverQuest
* Over 2.5 million copies of the game and its expansions have been sold
in box or digitally downloaded since 1999.
* If stacked end to end, the total number of EverQuest boxes created
would reach a height of more than 265 miles, which would stretch out
of the Earth\'s atmosphere and past the orbit of the International
Space Station.
* EverQuest averages about 250,000 new subscribers every year.
Currently, there are more than 420,000 people playing the game.
* At peak times, more than 100,000 people around the globe will be
playing EverQuest simultaneously. Heaviest hours of operation for
EverQuest are from 5PM Pacific Standard Time to 11PM PST, with the
biggest days being Thursday and Sunday -- traditionally, the biggest
nights for prime-time television viewing.
* There are almost 12 million characters created by players within the
game. Of these 12 million, more than 3 million have been played in
the last six months.
* The oldest EQ player is 78 (part of three generations of a single
family that play together from different states). Theyoungest is
9 (he plays with his mother and father).
* There are more than 1 million non-player characters populating the
world of EverQuest, made up of nearly 400 unique types of creatures.
* Total play time for all current players in the game equals more than
184,000 years.
* Only 17% of the characters played within EverQuest are human. 83% are
comprised of the fourteen other fantasy races available in the game.
* EverQuest currently has more than 420,000 inhabitants, making the
game\'s population larger than 42 of America\'s state capitals. Based
on 2000 Census figures, EQ\'s population is four times that of
Berkeley, CA, Springfield, IL and Gary, IN; three times that of
Pasadena, CA, Hartford, CT, Lansing, MI or Tallahassee, FL; twice the
population of Orlando, FL, Des Moines, IA, Providence, RI or Richmond,
VA; and roughly equal in population to Atlanta, GA, Kansas City, MO,
Fresno, CA and Virginia Beach, VA.
* There are over 350 square miles of dungeons, mountains, plains,
valleys, cities and forests to explore in the game.
* There are more than 40,000 unique items for players to discover,
create or buy within the game. More than 3,000 of these items have
never been discovered by players.
* There are almost 100,000 trees within the world of EverQuest.
* More than 1500 servers run the world of EverQuest, which is the
equivalency of one of the world\'s top 100 supercomputers. More than
18 miles of wire and cable connect all these boxes together.
* Over 10 quadrillion bytes of EverQuest data have left the SOE network
in the past five years. That\'s a ten, followed by 15 zeroes.
If 10x10^15 "bytes" have left them, then thats 63,376,175 bytes a second, every
second for 5 years.. or 500 Mbits / second.
* Total play time for all current players in the game equals more than
184,000 years.
Thats scary !!!
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