I don\'t say Slipknot is Nu-Metal based solely on their DJ, I say it based on their overall sound. And metalheads don\'t hate slipknot because of the category they\'re in or because they are constantly changing or anything. It\'s because of their overall sound, how they market themselves to the mainstream, just the way they come off overall in the metal scene. It\'s about the kinds of shows they put on, it\'s about the image they paint for metal to people who don\'t know better, and it\'s about their music, which most metalheads just simply don\'t like. And yes, before you criticize me saying I don\'t know what I\'m talking about, I have listened to a lot of that band, and I have seen them in concert. Also, I never said anything about what having a DJ does for the band, you\'re making assumptions there. I just pointed out that they have one.
And also, having influences in Techno, etc. makes Slipknot more fitting of the Nu-Metal label, not less fitting. Plus, people don\'t judge Slipknot by their genre. A lot of people don\'t even know how to correctly classify bands into genres within metal. But they aren\'t judged by their genre, they are judged by all the factors I listen above that turn metalheads off to them.