The one area I agree with LIC is the vid card. Go top of the line. I did with my last system, and even though it\'s a full generation behind, and almost 1.5 years old, I can still push modern FPS at high resolutions and max details into acceptable framerates.
You absolutely will notice a difference, depending on what kind of gaming you do.
As for the rest, hey man, your money, your system. For a nice monitor, I got the Samsung syncmaster 192N recently, and I really like it. I can even play FPS games with it, which was a pleasant surprise (although I have to play everything at 1280x1024 for it to look really good). For a DVD recorder, well, I don\'t have experience with the other brands, but my Sony has been "ok". Not great, cause even though it\'s a 4x burner, I had to burn at 2.4 for a long time (untill there was a firmware update). With the new 8x ones out, I\'m sure they\'re getting more reliable. Make sure you get one that can do multi-format.