I\'m running the latest sp2 beta and my system is much more stable now than before. And it\'s also has better security. Pop-up blocker for inet explorer. Internet access for programs are now controlled by xp by default, i.e. a dialogue appears asking if you will allow the program to access the internet or block it. It\'s pretty cool if you ask me.
Windows XP SP2 Technical Preview
Published: March 19, 2004
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides an enhanced security infrastructure that defends against viruses, worms and hackers, along with increased manageability and control for IT professionals and an improved experience for users.
To aid IT professionals in planning and testing for the deployment of Windows XP SP2, Microsoft is making available this preview, based on Release Candidate 1 of the SP2. Additionally, we have established 11 newsgroups for sharing information.
WARNING! This technical preview is unsupported and is intended for testing purposes only. Do not use in production environments.
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