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Originally posted by Phil This picture has been posted here before. Way to go dumbass.
Originally posted by Unicron!God you people get offended so easily
Originally posted by SwifDi I\'m not offended at all, I just think your entire, "Unicron vs. America" schpeel is getting beyond old. Please die soon.
Originally posted by PS2_-\'_\'-_PS2 Unicorn remember they are American they tend to overeact to a lot of things... [/B]
Originally posted by Unicron! Yeah baby we ve got the chicks in Europe BRING IT ON
Originally posted by Unicron! huh?rrrright...you sir arent offended :rolleyes:
Originally posted by SwifDi Why would I get offended over some stupid generalization? Like I stated before, I\'m just getting bored of your whole "Unicron vs. America" standpoint on everything regardless if your pretending to joke or not.As for the argument of European women against American women in general lets say I prefer my females without underarm hair.We are teh win.