Originally posted by Cyrus
See the problem is that you dont understand Americans.... WE ARE PROUD yes I dont neccesarily agree with my goverment and what they do BUT ITS MY GOVERNMENT. Sure I dont know everything that is going on and I dont need to there are far more important people and smarter people that are making those decsions AND THEY ARE MY PEOPLE...
What the hell?What does that have to do with what I said earlier???And does your givernment define what you are?Even if its all BS?I could have been an American saying the same things about my government,Does this make me anti american?And why do you identify with people just becuase they are from the same nation?
I didnt mention names.As for Kennedy I was being sarcastic becuase he was against war and he got murdered.I didnt mean he was gay.I didnt try to trash America with that post.I was being sarcastic with the whole war idea.
The reason so many other countries hate us is not because of this or that its because we are AMERICAN. Its hard for you to understand I know what it is like to be AMERICAN but for most of us thats all it takes. We dont need to be brought togheter by religion or some other force its all about PRIDE!! Ask any marine if he likes the president and find the one that hates him and then ask if he would take a bullet to protect him and ill bet the answer would boh ya. We use word like pride and honor and you stand there in your tity whities...... wait wrong movie.....
I never said you are being hated becuase you are Americans. :rolleyes: and you are provoking a different discussion with your above statement so I wont comment on that.
Btw:I wonder why did you bring all these up.I asked you to tell me specifically in this thread I said that was anti-american
I have no idea what is going on in Cyprus hell until I started chating on this board i had no freakin idea there was another cyprus that wasnt a tree. Just dont sit there saying blah blah blah you have nothing against americas citizens just our government well thats the point we are one in the same AMERICANS.
Man!!You are reducing your country with what you said becuase its like saying "whatever is labeled American, Americans must identify with it" even if its wrong like masses!!
Its like telling me that whatever wrong actions your government takes, instead of trying to stand against it as a worthy citizen that can stand out as a individual and judge with no bias, you actually accept them and identify with them because its a part of your country.People arent masses.
In democracy its the people that rule not the government.I ll be a happy person when I finally see Americans proove their own individualism than identify.
I praise the citizens of every nation that express their opinion against their goverments when wrong actions are taken instead of accepting them only because its "their" government.
You think I am judging you?trashing you?No!I could have been an American saying the same things trying to make my compatriots stand like individual citizens than follow whatever is being taught, and presented to them.
Just like the way you get offended my own compatriots get offended with me as well.
Perhaps if I was an American I would have been considered a traitor by you.