Originally posted by Cyrus
All you proved is what I said... We disagree with our government constantly as Americans look at the protest marches starting with nam and going right through to "War on Terorismn". Even though we disagree we still stand behind them because we are American. Your kids, Your parents do stupid shit all the time does that mean you should strap a bomb and blow them up
Thanks for prooving me right about you.As for my parents I wont just tell them I disagree.I ll even tell them directly how much dissappointed or even ashamed for them I might be.I would even dispute till they stop doing stuff. And parents are way above any nation or country or government in my "Respect" book list
Every country is trying to convert our believes so we become controlled subconsiously by patriotism, pride and the likes.
I can honestly say that me just saying I\'m American means more than you can possible even fathom.
Stop acting like a nationalistic zealot
Your quote "Man!!You are reducing your country with what you said "
thats the point, I wasnt, as American its generally belived that one can express an Opionion with out it affecting the opion of everyone, therefore my opinon has no bearing on everyone else belives. Hence it is impossible for me to "reduce my country" [/B]
Sorry but you just did.Since people like you are letting things just as they are becuase they have the "American" label.People are made to believe that their opinion is indeed theirs.But is actually controlled from pride, patriotism and the things they were taught since they were kids.And kids cant judge.Their character is formed.If you were adopted by communists from a different nationality when you were a baby you would have approached your country totally differently.
Atleast I ve found Americans that share the same opinion as I and see how much overrated things are presented to them in their own country.