The latest 4.3 cat drivers work pretty good on my 9800pro card. I have not had any problems. I did have a general problem with a save file in the game though on the swamp level where the game would refuse to load the next area after completing the objectives -- just would close to desktop, but playing from a previous checkpoint seemed to fix that error as right now, I\'m at the end of the game. The Far Cry forums are just jam packed with issues though, especially with ati cards so take that for what it\'s worth. It\'s like the game just didn\'t pass through any bug checks or testing. Unfortunate.
Regardless, up to this point, it\'s been great fun. The story takes a big turn at the end that I\'m sure you\'ll all appreciate. So far, my respect for this game has risen even more then it was at previously. Best single player FPS since Half-Life, easily.