Originally posted by videoholic
For what? Asking if SP2 is going to try and knock out pirated copies of XP like SP1 did? I own a copy of Windows XP. Why would I have to pay 100,000 for a copy of xp that cost me 99 bucks?
And direct TV has quite a few satellites up there. They began spot beaming the locals which lightened up a ton of compression long ago. Direct TV looks far better today than it did two years ago when they were over extending themselves.
I don\'t know why I am even replying to you. It\'s obvious someone must have just run over your puppy or something.
I was not the one that was asking if xp sp 2 would kill pirated copies. Why would you even worry about it if you are not pirating?
The simple fact that you stayed with DTV when you even admit it was over-extended should tell you somthing. You have bought their hype. I personnaly have been a subscriber to both.
So far as someone running over my dog or whatnot. It annoys me when people encourage behavior that will ultimatly rid them of any freedom they have. I no longer buy cd\'s because of the RIAA. If the MPAA were to go in gung-ho with lawsuits. Currently I have well over 600 movies all store bought. So it would pain me to quit buying them, but that is somthing that needs to be done. Quite frankly if people took that view the world would be a better place. Instead there are gutless wimps that say well it is not happening to me so oh well.
I know people that have been hit with DTV lawsuits. Were they pirates? Not my call to even ask. Did they have other uses for the programmers. Yes. They are generic ISO programmers. Somthing that is gaining more use by the day, and with them in the tech field I can see them needing them.