Originally posted by GmanJoe
I don\'t go to clubsi. Hells no. That place is like infested with civic driving Swifdies with Riceroni cars that like to drag race (drag racing requires no real ability to drive - my grandmother can drive fast in a straight line).
The problem with this OT Forum is there is very little activity and the mods are too delete happy. Especially ooseven, which has been brought up more than a few times. I said it before - Off Topic IS spam. It\'s a forum with about spam.
Speaking of Spam.....I hungry for some Hormel Spam!
Its obvious you dont know shit.
A wise man once said...
It is better to be a silent fool...
Then to open your mouth and prove it...
Clubsi is not much at all of what you speak. If you spent any real time there or have been there since 99 like some of us then you would know...but you dont.
As for OT.net...I dont know what happend to them as I havent been there in over a year or more. They had a ton of forums so it wasnt just spam. Even in the BS area, at least ppl talked about something. It may be different now if it even exsists anymore
So once again..you know not of what you speak.