Originally posted by GmanJoe
He has no case. He has to answer to the Iraqi people first. They want to try him on their accord, not the UN\'s or America\'s.
Not sure how I missed this comment.
I agree in a sense I think......
Technically, he should be tried by the iraqi ppl even if it means he would probably get off, which he would IMO. Isnt that how we do things in the good ol\' US of A? You commit murder in texas, strong armed robbery in Iowa, and you finally get caught raping some chick in Illinois. You would get tried in TX first....then IA..then IL. Unless they work together and run your charges concurent which would be extremely rare as when multi-charged criminals not always face concurent charges when everything was commited in the same state.
I have a feeling either the UN or us will try him first and that would just be wrong, even though he is who he is.