Originally posted by Phil
I know you are liberal but man, lay off. I think PETA is getting to you. There hasn\'t been a time in human history in which we didn\'t hunt. It\'s part of our history of survival. Hell some people could easily argue that it helps retrace ourselves back to our very human essence. It\'s not a superiority issue. Unless of course you have some past history with this that you would like to discuss that could bring light into what you are talking about.
Besides, I welcome hunters who actually help the wild by curbing overpopulation. You did know they do that right? Where did you get the fact that most hunters don\'t use the skins or eat the meat? You have support for that statement right? Get serious when you actually have facts as to why you support what you believe in. All you\'ve stated are observations of your girlfriend\'s retarded friends.
That is all history. We don\'t "hunt for survival" anymore. We hunt for "sport". Killing an animal is a "sport" Do we really need to kill animals for "sport" in order to survive. I think that is is a superiority issue. If it wasn\'t, then what do you have to proof by killing a deer or another animal? What do you have to proof by showing off how you shot the animal in the head four times? What is the purpose of hunting for sport?
I never argued about hunting for survival. As animals, we humans do have those insticts to hunt, but tell me this, how many people actually rely on hunting in order to survive?
I think that knowing a bunch of hunters and knowing what they do with the dead deer, in fact one of them has over 14 deer heads and skins. I couln\'t find any stats on things like that. But I know from personal experience. And you know what they do with the meat? They don\'t know either, all they know is that they take it to some guy to skin the animal. It\'s all personal experience so you can take it or leave it. But now that you want so much proof, tell me how many hunters actually eat the meat or hunt for a coat in order to survive? Or is it just to say "look I killed it"
"Curbing overpopulation?" Well, that means that it\'s ok to kill each other in order to stop humans from over population. Let\'s go hunt some Japanese to stop them from over populating. What gives us the right to say "alright you all have enough species in the earth, we\'re going to have to kill some of you off" Nothing.
Bullfighting is also disgusting. I really don\'t see the "sport" part of killing a bull so viciously in order to feed our inner violence. Like the Omen said, let it be 50/50. You can\'t argue that "bullfighters die" because they had the decision to do what they do. There is never a "loser" but the bull.