Originally posted by Unicron!
heh.You are talking about actual intelligence here.Not artificial inteligence.
So far I ve never heard of some kind of Artificial Inteligence that can make its own conclusions and learn by its own.It only acts according to how it was programmed to in specific events.
Actuallly, there is software that "reacts" in a sense. When you see LOTR epic battles, every one of those soliders is based off a program built. The idea behind the program is it renders all those massive soliders and then, lets the programmer customize how they look and then they react to each other. Example being, if one solider goes to hit, the other dodges. Yes, it\'s been done before, but this is on a much more epic scale in every sense. While I doubt we see something like that anytime soon for our games, but there will be something similiar in the next generation - there almost has to be.