on Oprah, she speak pretty decent english considering her situation and both her eyes could see, but all ten of her fingers are missing which is sad because she to struggle to brush her teeth, change her clothes, or type with a keyboard, etc....
also, beside she got injuried badly, two other people in the car were killed because of ths accident.
I think the driver got sentenced 7 years in jail or something. I can\'t remember who said it maybe Oprah said something like this, "This guy did get 7 years in prison, but once he got out of jail after he served his time. He can enjoy his life once again and do things that he wanted to do...while she have to suffered from this for the rest of her life."
Which I actually agree. The burnt victim said she wanted study Engineering and finish it but she can\'t because of this. The mother of the driver came up from the audiences and said she pray for her, and she pray that she got her eyesights back...she have a difficult time getting the words out, but she did...
Another thing was asked was, "Did you forgave the person that cause you this?" She said yes which i thought was amazing that she did...she said when she go to the mall, people stare at her and gave her the looks, she said when the kids look at her like that, she understand because they are still kids. But some adults does it too....and it probably made her uncomfortable.
Anyway, I suffered from schizophrenia and sinus pain, and it killing me and preventing me from doing things i wanted to do and i been through hell and still struggling, but compare me to her, she\'s in worse condition than me in most cases.
I was hoping for the day when i get cured and back to my real self, i used to be very optimistic about me being normal again and a brighter future. even before i have head scar surgeries. I remember before 2002, my trauma headache and sinus pain and eye swelling was bad, but i was in denial and i wasn\'t sure what is happening to me, but i was trying to be optimistic and try to ignore the problem....I realize how wrong i was ignoring those symptoms...until summer 2002, my chronic headache and sinus pain is at it extreme severe. It hurts as hell, i was trying to tell my mom to get me help...she didn\'t take it seriously, she thought it was just a mild headache...
but now, i am much better than i used to be and i try to be optimistic to be healthy again, but i am scare and worry...bunch of times i had thought about suicide, but didn\'t do it yet....hopefully i am back to my normal self again...the sooner the better.