Originally posted by Unicron!
You call that healthy?
I know many people here know that I am a web designer does anyone know what I do in real life?
Im a R.N. I dont work in a hospital anymore I am in the IT department but the hired me because of my medical background.
Unicron...... You above statements suprise me the most. I have always toyed with the thought if you little remarks about you being gay are true or if you were playing some little game. I think it must be a game I have worked with alot a (gay) male nurses who are way more compasionate than the female.
Healthy is a matter of opinion really.
You see a man walking and talking at the golf course and you think hes healty but really he has had a triple bypass he is a diabetic and suffers from copd.... Is he healthy because he "looks" normal?
This girl is pretty f\'d up, but let me tell you most burn victims that I have meet are extremly glad they are alive and think thier accident has made them stronger physically and religously and yes I have meet some victims that were as bad as this girl.