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Author Topic: SHare a useless fact!!! - Turned to racism debate - turned to Apprentice talk  (Read 3445 times)

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on the titanic they locked up all the black cooks in the kitchen & told them to wait for help...and we all know how that turned out..
something you didn\'t see in the multimillion dollar remake that was the titanic..:rolleyes:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 06:09:56 PM by clips »
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline videoholic

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I\'m sure the white cooks were just fine..  right....
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so you\'re sayin they locked up the white cooks with black cooks?..in the 1920\'s?...riiight! :rolleyes:
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline videoholic

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I\'m saying cooks are cooks.  They probably locked all of the restaurant employees no matter what their color.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"

Offline Halberto
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I think blacks should get reparations because white people are evil and are the reason things are the way they are.

Heres a fact nobody knows:



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Originally posted by videoholic
I\'m saying cooks are cooks.  They probably locked all of the restaurant employees no matter what their color.

i was watching a documentary on the titanic a few years back and they stated that the cooks which at the time were all black were holed up in the kitchen..while everybody else tried to flee for safety...i understand that\'s how it was back then...but when i saw that i was like damn that\'s f**ked up...

awhile ago i asked my parents how did they deal with all that..they didn\'t grow up in the 20\'s but like the 50\'s & 60\'s and dealt with segregation of bathrooms..sittin in the back of the bus & such..they stated it was just how it was & you dealt with it..but some things don\'t change as if i went into a white quiet suburb i can expect to be stopped for some silly reason...it\'s just how it was then..just that we\'re living in modern times...sorry to take it off topic there...

uesless fact---traveling at the speed of light in outer space for ten years will cause you to age slower than on earth..well actually that\'s a useless theory :p
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

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Originally posted by ViVi
I think blacks should get reparations because white people are evil and are the reason things are the way they are.

Heres a fact nobody knows:



c\'mon vivi i know you\'re smarter than this,.. i post some facts about what happened on the titanic & i\'m practically labled a racist? that\'s funny..some white folk don\'t like to hear shit like that. but whatever

here\'s another useless fact--most black people thought the I-95 sniper was white! i do apologize to all my caucasion (spell) bros for that! :p
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline Halberto
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I just get tired of hearing shit like that, because it happened a century. Yeah, blacks were getting murdered because of race back then, and still are. But you can\'t say its common, and that it doesn\'t happen to white people for the same reason.

Forget it, I don\'t want to kill this thread.

Offline SwifDi
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Regardless, pretty much everybody aboard the Titanic died. Karma is a witch.

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Originally posted by ViVi
I just get tired of hearing shit like that, because it happened a century. Yeah, blacks were getting murdered because of race back then, and still are. But you can\'t say its common, and that it doesn\'t happen to white people for the same reason.

Forget it, I don\'t want to kill this thread.

It is common just because you don\'t hear it on the news doesn\'t mean it\'s not happening..and i rarely if not ever have heard of an afri. amer. doing something to a white person because of his race. if anything we have embraced you with our culture..the hip-hop- rap music..baggy clothes...other themes of our culture..even in american movies where you have the naive white person not knowing none of the slangs & street smarts & then by the end of the movie he\'s mr. cool..all very stereotypical. it\'s funny because years ago acting like that was considered being an animal or a low-life...but since hollywood can make millions off it it\'s accepted for the all mighty dollar...all the rappers are being pimped by hollywood & record co\'s.

they just can\'t see through all the money & bling to see it..

useless fact----the sun is 93 million miles from earth.

ps: i apologize for this rant..i\'m not in a  very good mood today. :(
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline luckee
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Originally posted by clips
here\'s another useless fact--most black people thought the I-95 sniper was white! i do apologize to all my caucasion (spell) bros for that! :p

Thats odd. I thought the same thing as well. non-white ppl just dont do shit like that.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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lets face it, they were killed seperatly but equally ;)

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Originally posted by clips
It is common just because you don\'t hear it on the news doesn\'t mean it\'s not happening..and i rarely if not ever have heard of an afri. amer. doing something to a white person because of his race. if anything we have embraced you with our culture..the hip-hop- rap music..baggy clothes...other themes of our culture..even in american movies where you have the naive white person not knowing none of the slangs & street smarts & then by the end of the movie he\'s mr. cool..all very stereotypical. it\'s funny because years ago acting like that was considered being an animal or a low-life...but since hollywood can make millions off it it\'s accepted for the all mighty dollar...all the rappers are being pimped by hollywood & record co\'s.

they just can\'t see through all the money & bling to see it..

useless fact----the sun is 93 million miles from earth.

ps: i apologize for this rant..i\'m not in a  very good mood today. :(

I don\'t want to sound racist or anything, but please oh please, take your stupid hiphop/rap and baggy clothes back to were it came from! :(
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

Offline luckee
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stay where you are then.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington


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