I am loving every minute of seeing the Lakers struggle. They represent so much that is wrong in sports, it\'ll be a joy to see them knocked out this early.
Seriously, this is a team that put talent before chemistry and teamwork. You don\'t just bring in the best players, you bring in the players that work best for your team, something the Lakers seem to have forgotten. Payton clearly has been an awful fit here. This team has just become ugly to watch. They always talk about Kobe needing to carry the team...bullshit. Doesn\'t anyone understand that no one needs to carry a team with 4 future hall of famers? It\'s such an LA way of looking at things really, even with so much talent the put they individual before the team. Payton\'s attitude shows that, Kobe\'s attitude shows that.
Not to mention the fact that people are trying to glorify someone on trial for rape right now, who even if he is found not guilty, has provided more distractions for a team that needs to be coming together than anyone else in the league by far. This is the worst time that could happen, since this was the season where the team needed to come together the most. I think anyone who even had Kobe for MVP enter their minds is insane, just because of all these distractions he\'s caused. Oh yeah, let\'s not forget that just about all his teammates hate him.
Then, go beyond that, and look at the defense. Gary Payton has always been known for his defense. At least all 4 future hall of famers have been on the NBA all defensive team. The fact is, however, that over the course of the season this team has been too lazy to play defense consistantly. It cost them during the regular season, and it\'s costing them now. Defense wins championships.
Frankly, the Lakers make me sick, and I will love every moment of their defeat, which will happen.