Originally posted by ViVi
How many NHL and NBA players have you hung out with vid?
OK, the only reason I am writing this is because vivi doesn\'t have a clue. Skip it if you don\'t want to read where I\'m coming from.
DUde, don\'t forget that I worked for NBC and ABC for 8 years.
I covered the Dolphins for 3 years. Been to numerous player\'s houses. Been to the playoffs. Been on the team plane.
COvered the FLorida Panthers for 2 years. Covered the Marlins and the Miami Heat as well.
FOllowed the heat on the playoffs in I think it was 1995. THey played the Atlanta Hawks. Lost in the first round. Thank God.
THen I moved to Tampa. COvered the Bucs for 5 years. Been to numerous players houses and followed them around for quite a while. SOme are incredibly nice. Bert Emanuel, Brad Culpepper, John Lynch, damn, you won\'t find nicer guys. Trent Dilpher, Warren Sapp, you won\'t find bigger assholes. They are obviously great to each other, but their elitist attitudes would never let them talk to me on the side let alone a fan. You should hear the radio stations down here. People call in blasting Warren Sapp all the time.
Heck, I was shooting one of those Password games for ESPN the other day. I think they call it "Say What" or something. I don\'t remember. Anyway, I was chatting with Desmond howard and Derrick Brooks for an hour. Very down to earth guys. Although I already had met Derrick a bunch of times.
I\'ve been in many a locker room and there is no better locker room than hockey. No worse locker room than basketball and baseball.
BUt I have no clue what I am talking about.
And Bozco is right. I\'m not degrading the fact that BBall is hard by saying throwing a ball through a hoop. I\'m essentially commenting on their elitist attidues all because they throw a ball through a hole. You don\'t see brain surgeons walking around with their noses in the air. Yet these guys are the true stars.