The rule of Israelites in the land of Israel starts in 1250 BCE
In 587 BCE they got conquered by the Babylonian, so they got exiled.
After that Israel was ruled by the Persian, Greek Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Empires, Islamic and Christian crusaders, Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire.
The Israelis have been through a lot of conquest in their history, not just by “Muslims/Arabs” of the modern era...
If someone doesn’t do the right thing, nobody will exist there anyway, cause someone is gonna nuke the other side. And so far only the Israelis have nukes.
As for vowing to destroy Israel, both sides are too proud, and if you get shitted on, you start to talk brave and be predicting the destruction of your neighbor.
My Opinion is that Israel came into existence because the USA and some other countries felt it was in their best interest to put a link to the western world in the middle of the rich-oil producing region.
I seriously doubt Stalin would shed a tear over a couple million Jews, when he murdered ~20 million of his own people.