Originally posted by GigaShadow
Name one thing the Patriot Act has done to inhibit your freedoms. Do you even know what the Patriot Act does?
You are either stupid or blind you pick:
Patriot Act There are a lot of things about the Patriot Act that are un-American, but you wouldn\'t know about it, since you are brainwashed GigaWad:
Section 213 of the Patriot Act
which authorizes property to be searched and seized in secret by government law enforcement officials, without notifying the subject of a warrant.
Section 214 / 216, relating to the use of pen registers for foreign intelligence purposes and criminal cases. Pen registers record all phone numbers dialed from a person\'s telephone.
Section 215, which authorized searches of library, bookstore, medical, financial, religious and travel records without a judicial warrant.
Section 218. This section of the Patriot Act, in essence, gutted the Fourth Amendment\'s requirement for probable cause to obtain a search warrant in criminal investigations.
Sections 411 / 412 of the Patriot Act, which granted new grounds for the deportation and/or the mandatory detention of aliens.
Section 505 of the Patriot Act which authorized FBI field agents to issue national security letters to obtain financial, bank and credit records of individuals - all without a court order or judicial oversight.
Sections 507 and 508 of the Patriot Act relating to the seizure of educational records and the disclosure of individually identifiable information under the National Education Statistics Act of 1994.
Section 802 , which defined the new crime of "domestic terrorism." The definition is so broad that political protests that unaccountably become violent could be classified as domestic terrorism.
Homeland Security Act of 2002, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security are no longer exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Roll back policing powers that the federal government took upon itself since Sept. 11 without congressional authorization.
For example, the federal government would no longer be able to monitor conversations between attorneys and their clients, violating the fundamental right of attorney-client privilege.
Attorney General John Ashcroft\'s memorandum to all agencies of the federal government narrowing the scope of FOIA and the ability of citizens to obtain information about how their government is working.
The Patriot Act of 2001, a 342-page document, was passed without meaningful review. Many members of Congress hadn\'t read the bill; some still haven\'t.