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Author Topic: God Damn thread closing hippies  (Read 7212 times)

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #135 on: April 27, 2004, 09:32:14 PM »
i\'m sure it hasn\'t.

You mind explaining why the info you posted has any more or less credibility then any other link here?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 09:42:17 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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Offline TSina
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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #136 on: April 27, 2004, 09:47:53 PM »
I feel that way because it seems unbiased. Would you not agree?

Its not pro-weed nor anti-weed
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« Reply #137 on: April 27, 2004, 09:51:46 PM »
again, that’s why imo I think its to much in the air.
To many opinions rather then facts. Even facts that say they are or aren\'t dangerous, gateway, addictive etc is still thrown aside, and vise visa.
I personally couldn\'t care less what people do with their own bodies. As long as they do it away from me. :)
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Offline TSina
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« Reply #138 on: April 27, 2004, 10:02:52 PM »
Im not trying to insult you, but did you read all of that? Those statements didnt seem up in the air to me.
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Offline FatalXception
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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #139 on: April 27, 2004, 10:16:11 PM »
An easy way to see how biased the US gov\'s position is is simply to look at their viewpoint  on medical marijuana.  They still claim that there is no benifit to using it over conventional drugs for serious illnesses and they withdrew the legal cannibus program that they had started a few years ago.  They were giving it out to 5 people originally, now down to 1.

Frankly, I know that one is bull. because:

A) There are hundreds of sick people who talk about how much better MJ was/is for them than using the more standard treatments...

B) Personal experience - my bosses daughter died of liver cancer a few years after she had Hep B.  I remeber talking to my boss about it once, and he told me that closer to the end he got her MJ, and her standard of living for the last few months went way up, instead of continuing to deteriorate as it had been.


Souly:  If you don\'t really care about this issue, you probably shouldn\'t be arguing for one side or the other.  Just state the fact that you don\'t care, and let people who have an opinion state those opinions.  Fact is both sides can tear into both sides on this issue, there\'s plenty of \'facts\' for both sides to sling at each other.  All I know is that in MY experience, it isn\'t a gateway drug, wasn\'t addictive, and didn\'t cause me any harm whatsoever.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:18:37 PM by FatalXception »

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Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #140 on: April 27, 2004, 10:21:16 PM »
Originally posted by TSina
Im not trying to insult you, but did you read all of that? Those statements didnt seem up in the air to me.

They\'re up in the air when another party shows different "facts"  
Which is opinion and which really is a fact.  I personally don\'t see a survey done 30 years ago as a ground fact today.   If they were to redo the study today, then i\'d take it as a credible fact.

I don\'t care if people use it, I’m not debating that and couldn\'t care less. But if we\'re talking experience, In my own experience, from watching my mates try pot and later ending up on harder drugs (not vise visa) I’d say its a gateway drug.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:23:40 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #141 on: April 27, 2004, 10:26:42 PM »
I really dont see how things would be all that different now. I would post more "facts" but they are also on pro-weed websites so that within itself makes it invalid IMHO.
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« Reply #142 on: April 27, 2004, 10:29:49 PM »
30 years makes a lot of difference. Culture changes quite a bit after 30 years. The way drugs are viewed, the easiness or hardness to get the drugs, peoples attitudes towards them etc.
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« Reply #143 on: April 27, 2004, 10:33:17 PM »
That would be the individual and not the drug no? As many do not use it as a gateway. Unlike crack which many who try it end up addicted at some point. Same with booze, coke..X..etc..etc..

Some products have more addictive components than others. More often than not, those are the man made substances. By man made I mean substances that cannot be produced naturally at all.
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Offline FatalXception
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« Reply #144 on: April 27, 2004, 10:35:50 PM »
The thing about MJ being a gateway drug though... I think it\'s more related to peers, social/economic standing, upbringing, availablitly, etc. etc.

I know people that did MJ on their way to some harsher drugs, but I don\'t call it a gateway for them, because they were on that life track before they ever did MJ.  

I myself did MJ as an occasional, and I got into it with that intention, and stopped never having overstepped the bounds.  MJ doesn\'t reduce your inhibitions beyond what you would do anyways (unless you smoke enough to just pass out) - I\'ve been at parties, gotten high, and been offered acid, coke, X, meth... and I was never temped, high/drunk or not.  It just wasn\'t in the cards.

I\'ve never met someone who started doing MJ, and then as a result decided to try some harder drugs... everyone I know who does hard drugs (and I know at least a couple dozen), tells me that for them it was never really in doubt...

I think extacy is much worse as a gateway, because I know a couple ravers that never did anything beyond drinking, tried X, and about three months later were doing all sorts of hallucinogens, as a direct result.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:37:59 PM by FatalXception »

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« Reply #145 on: April 27, 2004, 10:37:54 PM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
30 years makes a lot of difference. Culture changes quite a bit after 30 years. The way drugs are viewed, the easiness or hardness to get the drugs, peoples attitudes towards them etc.

Culture my change, but the drugs really dont. If anything, they have become more watered down, so the studies 20-30 years ago would prove even more true.

The way drugs are viewed havent much to do with anything that has been argued.

The readiness of said drugs just flucuates with the governments ability to catch them.

The attitudes are far more conservative than ever now. Thats about the only reason to take another look at these "old" studies.
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« Reply #146 on: April 27, 2004, 10:39:40 PM »
Here is a little example,

Little Timmy has all his mates telling him, "dood, you gotta try this shit, its cool. It won\'t harm you either"  So little Timmy gives in to peer group pressure and decides to try pot.  Little does Timmy know that he may like it, and continue to use it for sometime.  Then one day Timmy decides to try something harder, From his experience with pot, what harm could it do?  There you go, not many people start off on HARD drugs. They build up to them from weaker drugs from my own experience..

A gateway drug doesn\'t have to be addictive, its just a lead up to something else. Even though i\'m pretty sure pot is.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:41:04 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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« Reply #147 on: April 27, 2004, 10:45:46 PM »
If that is the case, they were going to try harder drugs anyway so weed cannot be the scapegoat.

I\'ll say this though. Weak willed individuals may use mj as a gateway, but anyone with half a head on their shoulders wont. Just like alcoholism can be hereditary(sp?), Im sure other drugs and stupidity can as well.

Refer is not a scapegoat no matter how hard people try to make it be one.
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« Reply #148 on: April 27, 2004, 10:51:49 PM »
ah, but thats the whole point.
They start on pot and end up on harder drugs.
They don\'t normally start on harder drugs and go to pot.
It really doesn\'t matter if they\'re weak minded or if they would do harder stuff anyway, the simple fact is they picked up and tried pot before other drugs. Making it the gateway drug.

Anyway, think about this. They partially legalized pot, did they partially legalize every other drug too?   of course its going to bring down other drug use, when they can get it without trouble, easily and most likely cheaper.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 10:56:53 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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Offline Bozco
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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #149 on: April 27, 2004, 10:57:14 PM »
Originally posted by TSina
It\'s not about being hot stuff. I just dont like how people talk about something so strongly and dont really know anything about i besides personal experiance, or someone else experiance. You could have kept your useless comment to yourself since I didnt say anything smartassed to you anyway.

No wonder why someone else said females dont stick around here.

You were being all high and mighty.  You could have had the same approach but kept on discussing instead of having pointless post like that and I would have had no problem.

Also, how does me calling you out in this fashion have anything to do with females staying here?  (looking at your colors after posting this I realize you might be female, which I didn\'t even realize)

As for not knowing anything, some might not but don\'t lump everyone into that category.  I responded to your original post and you never said anything back to me.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 11:01:04 PM by Bozco »


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