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Author Topic: Great article on the vehicles from Kill Bill  (Read 485 times)

Offline Coredweller
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Great article on the vehicles from Kill Bill
« on: April 23, 2004, 12:22:39 PM »

This is an article from a Pantera enthusiasts\' website, so it focuses mostly on the 1969 DeTomaso Mangusto used as Bill\'s vehicle in Kill Bill v.2.  The article also discusses other vehicles, like the PussyWagon, Elle Driver\'s Firebird, and the Chevelle SS from Pulp Fiction.

They mention that Quentin Tarantino wanted to blow up the PussyWagon, so maybe that\'s a scene that was cut from the movie?  I think The Bride mentioned that her truck broke down in v.2, so I thought perhaps that was supposed to be a joke that didn\'t pay off because there was no earlier scene setting it up.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 12:23:53 PM by Coredweller »
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Great article on the vehicles from Kill Bill
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2004, 12:43:05 PM »
I thought Elle Driver had a S&B T/A?
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Great article on the vehicles from Kill Bill
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2004, 01:10:51 PM »
Correct, it\'s a Firebird Trans Am.  Are the terms mutually exclusive?
Let the Eagle Soar!
\"The American Dream: You have to be asleep to believe it.\"  - George Carlin


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