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Author Topic: Man on fire  (Read 507 times)

Offline QuDDus
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Man on fire
« on: April 23, 2004, 07:32:25 PM »
Yeah my cripple self was treated to this movie and boy was it good.

One of the best movies too be released this year.
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Man on fire
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2004, 07:08:56 PM »
I had some interesting parts.  It was worth seeing, and I enjoyed it, but it had some major weaknesses as well.  It was too long for the story they were trying to tell, and it\'s hard to build a great deal of sympathy for the main character.

[sp]His slaughter of the kidnapping conspirators was a little too remorseless and inhuman.  It might have been more effective if they had revealed how much the kidnappers deserved their punishment.  Perhaps if they established that the kidnappers raped and tortured the girl before murdering her.  Maybe with faked video or something...  Also, I always felt that she wasn\'t really dead.  The parents would never accept the death of their child so easily without seeing a body.  That part rang false for me.[/sp]

I also felt the editing and optical effects were too over the top.  A little bit of that stylishness goes a long way, and they should have backed it off a bit.  The flipping and moving subtitles in different font sizes was distracting also.
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