this happened to my friend waaay back in either 90 or like 2 am in the morning..him & another friend of ours was being chased by cops on highway 1 & 9 in woodbridge,nj. he was driving while suspended & when the cops told him to pull over he jetted...he had woodbridge cops chasin him, clark & linden cops all on his the time he was driving a camaro z28 with a little work on it...
when he was relaying the story to me he stated that the cops were close on his a$$ & they even set up road blocks for him..he ended up going around one of the roadblocks but hit the curb & his tire blew out he ended up against the divider & even tho he was immobilized the cops rammed his car door...they wanted him to do some serious jail time for that..but he got lawyer & ended up not going to jail but got fined heavily & they strechted out his liscense suspension..
that\'s my man & all but he and anybody who does that just needs to know there\'s no way you\'re going to get away your\'re either going to crash or the police will force you to crash...