As long as people are honest about it, it\'s fine. The problem is a lot of people imagine what if someone got a sex change, looked just like a woman, and came on to them. That grosses people out that they might not know and might do something without knowing, if they aren\'t ok with that. That\'s why it\'s hard to seperate yourself from the issue.
People kind of view it like someone having some sort of STD or something. If they\'re honest about it, you\'ll know to stay away from them, but if they aren\'t, you might not know until its too late, and until something happens that a lot of people wouldn\'t be comfortable with.
Personally, I think the idea of a sex change is stupid, but I also don\'t think I should be forcing that belief on anyone else. If someone wants one that badly, they should have the right to do that to themselves.