mm people buy the latest and greatest so that they can play the new and the best. My ti4600 runs 90% of the pre DX9 titles like butter, so honeslty who cares how well both cards run dx8> cause you ain\'t going to notice anything above 60fps, and U and I both know that both the X800 and 6800 will run dx8> faster than 60fps, so I see it as a moot point.
also, doom 3 > half life 2
bahh... ID is an amazing software engine developer, too bad I can\'t say the same about there Games. Valve posses much better talent when it come to gameplay mechanics/creativity
So, HALF 2 >
DOOM 3One more thing Carmack has caped the DOOM 3 engine at 60fps, therefore both cards will most likly run DOOM 3 the same. As for HL2 GABE Newel has even stated that the X800XT runs HL2 40% better than the 6800U. Sounds Shabby doesn\'t it, personally I will wait for the release of the game before I take that statment as HOLY GOSPEL, but I just thought I would throw that out.