Money from the major networks (Fox) goes to all teams. Money from regional contracts go to the individual teams. That is why the Yankees have such a huge advantage. They can charge out the ying yang for their local contract because they are broadcasting to millions more people than the Devil Rays are. As a matter of fact, the Devil Rays didn\'t receive any money from the national TV contract until I think it was last year or the year before. THey were at a huge dissadvantage since they didn\'t have the start-up financial backing Arizona had. Freaking stingy owners.
Owners pay the salaries, well um, no freaking shit. But how do they get money to pay the salaries? You think George Steinbrenner pays A Rod with money he makes from being the CEO of the FLorida State Fair? I have a feeling he probably doesn\'t. More than likely he pays him with money he makes from advertising he makes from his TV contracts. He also makes money from people in the seats, but that correlates with advertising too since it\'s not like they put logos on the fences for free.
Hmm, that brings up a good point. If they put a spiderman logo on the fence, the batter warm up area or the video sign board it\'s ok, but the bag is off limits?