^Heheh, no sorry...., I just meant that SH3 was a bit \'unconventional\' like MGS2 was to MGS1 (according
to a certain percentage of the MGS fanbase).
Hmm, I\'ve learned to appreciate MGS2 over the years.
Recently, a pal of mine got an Xbox free with his cellphone
and his b-day was soon, so I gave him MGS2 Substance
as a b-day present amongst other things. Funny thing is
that it was a 2nd hand copy, so I got it cheap. Since it was
2nd hand, I figured there\'d be no harm in giving it a spin
in my Xbox to see the differences between this version
and my \'barebones\' SOL PS2 version. Alot of ppl said the
Xbox version is sooooo bad, so i had to see for myself....
To my surprise Imho the Xbox version is in several aspects
superior to the original PS2 version ;
* aspect ratio/resolution : due to higher resolution it looks
just that more crisp and the aspect ratio depicts the models
the way imo they were meant to be. In the PS2 version all
the character models look a bit short and stubby
* better colors and textures : more vibrant and some very
light bumpmapping fx
* better light/dark contrast : places which ought to look dark
do so now. The PS2\'s version was indeed a bit too washed out
due to it\'s video output. .....
So, i ended up getting me MGS2 Sub for Xbox myself too. lol
whoops... i forgot this was a SH4 thread i guess ....sorry