A shady story for sure but thought I\'d share anyway...
http://www.freewebs.com/realgamesplayer/insiderscoops.htmOn the 12 th of May, Day 1 of E3, Sega will showcase to the world it\'s re-entry into the Console hardware arena.
We first reported on a rumour regarding Sega returning to hardware about a month ago, but now the rumour is a reality, Financially revitalised, finally debt free, Sega now firmly belives it has what it takes to rule the roost.
But why you may ask are they doing this? wouldn\'t it be suicide? well no, not really. You see when Sega was making the dreamcast hardware it was selling an average of between 25-30 million units of software per year. Since going third party that number has always remained in the 6-10 million range. Besides the reason for going third party in the first place was to stop the losses and have a chance to get rid of it\'s debt (well over a billion dollars). Third party was never a permanent business plan. Did Isao Okawa give away he\'s life savings to save a software developer? No! re-entering hardware in the next round was always the plan. Did Sammy splash out half a billion dollars just for arcade floor space? No!
What we\'re trying to get at is that the signs have always been there, but now rejoice!
*Update* A Sega rep has informed us that the next machine will be of platinum color.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Concourse Hall #151
-- Zach Morris
In a perfect world Sega would make an awesome comeback and reclaim 2nd place;)...and I would get NiGHTS 2.
Entering the console hardware arena at this point would be suicide. Sony hasn\'t missed a beat, MS is picking up steam, and Nintendo is doin\' alright considering.
The only place I could see a possibility of new hardware is in the portable arena. Gameboy is the undisputed king, then Sony is ready to enter (with a hefty price tag for sure), and we have the disaster of Ngage. There just might be room for GameGear 2...
Honestly, I\'d rather see the news of Sega pairing up with someone. I think they would compliment any one console\'s lineup rather nicely...then maybe they could focus and deliver some more quality titles.