Well, I didn\'t agree with going into Iraq in the first place.. at least not for the reasons they did... had they stated they were going in because of his human rights violations, oppresive regime, I probably would have been more supportive. The whole weapons of mass destruction was just too weak of a reason.
And yes, I realize the hippocricy of supporting human rights violations in supporting torture and brutal methods for dealing with terrorists... but frankly, I think that we should think of human rights as something that all humans have... until they do something that violates them so much that they forfeit those rights... it\'s unfortunate that it means some of our own people will have to use their methods.. but it is really the only thing that will work against real fanatics.
Civilized discourse, honorable war... it\'s impossible against a \'insane\' foe. Negotiation cannot be an option, because it opens the floodgates.
Frankly, I don\'t really get upset when \'terrorists\' send in a suicide bomber that blows up a barracks of an enemy army (though it\'s labeled as terrorism), or when they bomb a military ship in a harbor -> both cases have happened to the US military. I don\'t think we can expect an enemy with little military power to fight a war on our terms, and I think that those kinds of attacks are justified if you think you believe you are at war with a mighty military power... but when terrorists decide to suicide bomb a bus, or a church? Taking the war to civilians is I think the point at which they should lose their human rights.