Recently I have noticed a ton of complaints about the moderators and granted, I think some of them are founded, but I want your attention for abit, if at all possible.
Look, we moderators are humans. We are not robots. We all take things differently, meaning what one moderator finds offensive, another may not. Classic examples of this is ooSeven\'s distaste for anything he deems "gorey". Another example is the UFO thread and my stance on the link posted in it. I understand what you all want is people to be under one mind set. So that there is no varation, a process varability reduction program, so to speak. It won\'t happen. There are simply to main moderators and to much human factors.
As you all know, I have always said if a thread is closed, PM the mod who closed it. Some of you have PM\'ed me about things and I almost always answer them. I have no problems with this. Please do question us, as we are not always right. However, sometimes the mod / Admin who closes the thread does not leave a post on why and it just seems to be closed by the \'mystery mod\', in this case, post in Suggestions or PM one of the Admin\'s (Ryu / MM / Vid). There is NO need to post a thread about it in OFF-TOPIC, as it will only get deleted.
In closing, I think the rules are pretty simple. I however also think we have some leeway with them and not everything has to be enforced. On the other hand, there are some things that are simply done to piss us MODs off or get the poster in trouble. Need an example? A certain member posted the link to an American beheading in Current Events, after it was clearly said NOT to.. And then there are general slip ups, I done one recently. In the \'Hot Babes\' thread I linked to a picure of a clothed woman, but it was from a porn site. I thought nothing of it, but MM deleted the post and put a warning. I done that. I don\'t complain about the fact it was deleted, it was linked from a porno site. Swifdi, recently posted a picture in a thread , and the picture was changed to a nude woman, he is currently banned for a short period of time. Do I need to go on? Or do you all get the drift? There is leeway and there are rules. They can be bent slightly, but not broke. But when you break them, don\'t complain about someone deleting your post, closing your thread and what not...And if you want to know why something was closed or want to present a point about it being closed, Pm that MOD...Don\'t go making threads about it, its pointless.
Thank you.