I prefer consoles more than PCs as well.Our personal preferences dont say anything.
Its the general behaviour of the market you should see.
When games become attractive on PCs more than consoles because of better "quality" and becuase most console games are released for PCs, console gaming industry will change.Developers would shift their work wherever they can satisfy most demand and where they can give the best.
Extra features, all in one media etc are completely irrelevant.
I am only refering to PC and Console gaming industry.
As you said with a console you\'re set for the life of the system.But why was that?The consoles offered their own style, their own exlusive games.Console gaming industry is not exactly the same as PC gaming industry.And seeing both industries becoming more alike is sonmething I wouldnt want to see.
If they are developing on PC architecture and progarmming tools (irrelevant if PCs generally offer other things) on console, technically developing on console or PC they are developing on the same platform.So a port will definetely be an easy and sure thing.Practically there is no such thing as porting or cost of porting.Companies exploit whatever chance they have for that extra income.They dont care as much about the things we care as gamers
Console gaming will seem outdated, and not as interesting.Same games appearing on both platforms, which will look better on PCs.Developers wouldnt show as much interest as befoire to exploit the extra untapped power left in consoles.