I suppose you would all like him to be a monk and write books and direct movies for free. The issue is NOT whether he is compensated for his work, or even HOW MUCH compensation he receives.
As I recall, the question is whether he\'s only in it for the money.
After he released "Roger and Me" to great success in the United States, he could have pursued another more comfortable, and by no means less lucrative career as a conventional hollywood director. He CHOSE not to, and instead continued to produce books, television shows, and movies that challenge the status quo and corporate power structure in this country. Now he receives death threats from pinheaded reactionary conservatives, struggles to get his books published, and his movies released, and has to endure endless attacks and abuse from narrow minded politicians and pundits who can\'t be bothered to listen to what he\'s saying.
Yup, that sounds like the actions of someone who\'s "only in it for the money." I can\'t believe I had to spell it out for you.
OK, now what\'s your explaination for why he\'s only in it for the money? I hope it\'s something better than "dude\'s rich." :rolleyes: