Originally posted by Coredweller
Oh yes, Ann Coulter, the death of a president is such a wonderful occasion to launch a bile-filled irrational attack against half of our nation. This is something that Michael Moore would not do, so any equation of the two is not appropriate.
BTW, I do not have any golden memories of Ronnie as Ann claims. I do however have the good taste not to bring up my complaints about him at this time.
She is a nut, no doubt about it... though just like all the other fringe analysts who spout rhetoric there is a slight hint of truth in what they say.
I do have to agree with BS that she is very slanted in her views and even warps them when she is proven wrong. That said, Michael Moore is a good comparison when it comes to launching "bile-filled irrational" attacks against our administration. To claim he is great in one breath and slam Coulter is nothing short of hypocracy.
I for one do think Reagan was a great president and do have fond memories of him. The greatest in the 20th Century? No I wouldn\'t go that far. Roosevelt and Truman would be my nominees for that title. For those who don\'t know Reagan was actually a Democrat until the late 60\'s when he jumped ship to the Republicans.
The party of Roosevelt and Truman died with them - the Democrats of this era really have no one they can idolize the way the Republicans and a majority of America idolize Reagan.