Whoah, this is a nice idea, but I think it\'d be too much of a hassle for me to try and make a complete list. The list would also be rather subjective, as I take "finishing" games pretty seriously: Viewtiful Joe is not complete before all difficulty levels bow down before me with perfect V performaces; Devil May Cry on DMD still has a couple of S-ranks missing; there are 3 songs in Amplitude that I haven\'t yet scored 4 bars in; etc...
I feel like a loonie at times, who in the hell needs to have 255 stats in Final Fantasy X, for example. And the game\'s a piece of...
Aww to hell with it, I\'ll try to compile some sort of a list :
Completed... in a way...
Yoshi\'s Island (still a dozen or so stages to complete with a perfect score)
Castlevania : Circle of the Moon (4th playthrough, thief mode I think?)
Sonic Advance (ran through the bugger, not as good as I hoped)
Super Mario World (still not 100% complete, but I did that several times on the SNES...)
Metroid Fusion (Hard mode not complete)
Eternal Darkness (all gods worshipped...)
Super Mario Sunshine (missing about half a dozen blue coins)
Metroid Prime (100% everything)
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil
Dark Chronicle
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy X
Burnout 2
Resident Evil CV X
Tekken 4
Tekken Tag Tournament
Zone of the Enders
Metal Gear Solid 2
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Kuri Kuri Mix
Jak & Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Raccoon
This is taking too long, and I don\'t even have a clue which games I own anymore. Aww, my poor collection residing over a 100 kilometres away from me... damned university!