GigaShadow: Thanks, well four battalions is not alot then.
Info on Iran military:
Armed forces growth: -16%
Armed forces personnel: 513,000 (8th largest, China is number 1, USA is number 3)
(per capita): 7.51 per 1000 people
Manpower - availability (males age 15-49): 20,343,063 (2003 est.)
Manpower - fit for military service (males age 15-49): 12,094,551 (2003 est.)
Weapon holdings: 5,901,000 (14th largest, USA is number 1 and China number 2.)
WMD Biological: There is very little publicly available information to determine whether Iran is pursuing a biological weapon program. Although Iran acceded to the Geneva Protocol in 1929 and ratified the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1973, the U.S. government believes Iran began biological weapon efforts in the early to mid-1980s, and that it continues to pursue an offensive biological weapon program linked to its civilian biotechnology activities. The United States alleges that Iran may have started to develop small quantities of agent, possibly including mycotoxins, ricin, and the smallpox virus. Iran strongly denies acquiring or producing biological weapons.
WMD Chemical: There is limited open-source information available concerning Iran\'s chemical weapons program. Although Iran ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in November 1997, the United States believes that Iran has maintained a chemical weapons program since 1984, including production of sarin, mustard, phosgene, and hydrocyanic acid. According to U.S. government estimates, Iran can produce 1,000 metric tons of agent per year and may have a stockpile of at least several thousand metric tons of weaponized and bulk agent. Iran strongly denies acquiring or producing chemical weapons.
WMD Missile: Iran possesses one of the largest missile inventories in the Middle East and has acquired complete missile systems and developed an infrastructure to build missiles indigenously. It has purchased North Korean Scud-Bs, Scud-Cs, and Nodong ballistic missiles. Meanwhile, Iran has also developed short-range artillery rockets and is producing the Scud-B and the Scud-C—called the Shehab-1 and Shehab-2, respectively. Iran recently flight-tested the 1,300km-range Shehab-3, which is based on the North Korean Nodong. The Shehab-3 is capable of reaching Israel. Following this most recent flight-test, the Shehab-3 was placed in service and revolutionary guard units were officially armed with the missiles. There are conflicting reports about the development of even longer-ranged missiles, such as the Shehab-4 and the Kosar intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). U.S. intelligence agencies assess that barring acquisition of a complete system or major subsystem from North Korea, Iran is unlikely to launch an ICBM or satellite launch vehicle (SLV) before mid-decade.
WMD Nuclear: Iran possesses five research reactors and two partially constructed power reactors at Bushehr. It acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 1970. In the mid-1970s, Iran initiated a nuclear power program, though there are reports that it also began a small nuclear weapon research program at the same time. The 1979 revolution ended all nuclear efforts until 1984, when Iran revived the nuclear power program and reportedly began covert procurement for a nuclear weapon program.
Taken from