Originally posted by GigaShadow
They were doing more than "praying" obviously.
I\'m quite sure these "musicians" are under surveilance as we speak. With those "dry runs", who knows?
The McDonalds bad had food in it which was consumed and hence, "empty" when the man left the bathroom.
But then again, that\'s why they chose a McDonald\'s bag right? To make one think exactly that.
The men shared the two lavatories to pray in. Each lavatory had a prayer rug in it. One man opened the Koran to read some passages.
But....they could have been building something. One person continuing an assembly from the last person\'s.
I\'m speaking on both sides of the fence here. What makes me skeptical is the bravado they had to do this in front of everyone. They know American passenger will now fight and they know there are air marshalls on board. Why do this so blatantly?
Hence why I think they were just praying. Then again, I could be wrong.