Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
LIC, every movie company is jumping on the bandwagon to try and get a quick $$$. For every one good super hero movie there are like three crap-ass ones. Spidermans good, x-mens good, and maybe one or two other good ones, but other then that it is basically just a scam to make money.
Every movie company? Right...
You have..
New Line
Yeah, that\'s every movie company :rolleyes:. Get your fact\'s straight, just because two companies are putting out a lot of comic book movie\'s, it does not mean "every movie company" is.
And for your comment about every good one - please, englighten us.
If you go by the general public opinion..
X-Men was great (tho\' I dislike it)
X-2 was excellent (I enjoy it)
Spider-Man also was loved by the public.
Spider-Man 2 set records.
The Hulk got decent reviews
DareDevil dd fairly well
Blade has became a big franchise.
Infact, right now the only modern super-hero film to do truly bad was \'The Punisher\'...
I love how some of you post without thinking through what you are saying. Today\'s comic to film\'s translations are doing a lot better than the previous DC efforts (Superman and Batman sequels). We are actually getting fairly good comic to film translations.
Never seen the 60\'s one, I didn\'t know one existed. Well I guess I should go to BlockBuster and check it out.
That\'s great. The guy playing Batman(who\'s name I can\'t remember at this instant...Christian Bale?) would be a great one for Batman. If he has that attitude like he had in Equilibrium then this movie is going to rock.
Don\'t call yourself a Batman fan if you don\'t know of the 60\'s show / movie and the 40\'s serial.
Superherohype.com is your friend.