Originally posted by Hawken
They deserve their salary because they went to school and got the training and education that is the requirement of a high paying job. A CEO of a Fortune 500 company doesn\'t work harder for his check than the janitor of the same company.
huh? A janitor works just as hard as a CEO? Wow.... Ok listen everyone has a chance to go to college with no money its called a scholorship and work. If you dont get a scholorship you work. Rich people have the choice to pay there kids college since they obviously worked very hard to give that gift to his kids. You make it sound like poor people are damned to be janitors.
And I dont want to hear this Colin Powell shit. You never really answered my question. The RUSSIANS THE US AND THE BRITISH GAVE THE PRESIDENT A HUGE AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE THEY HAD WMD\'s. With that information it would have been a crime not to invade iraq. And now you must be saying where are the WMD\'s? Well we will find them eventually we\'ve had way to many old iraqi scientists say that he built them. In time we will find them and you will eat your own words.
If the evidence was so strong as to say that Iraq did have the weapons, then wouldn\'t the inspectors find them sooner or later? And if so, why didn\'t Bush\'s Gov. show this hard factual evidence to UN instead of cramming the US military in there and losing so many lives only to later find out that the "evidence" was a bunch of bull shit. His own people were debating over the intelligence and that intelligence, the one you claim Russia and Britain gave the Bush Gov. what was the evidence anyways.
9/11 had nothing to do with the war in Iraq. So for a soldier to sign up after it would probably mean that they just wanted to get revenge over in Afghanistan, Iraq came a bit after that but because they were already enlisted they had no choice.
You talk about getting an education as if it were such an easy task. The military pushes the whole "we\'ll pay for your education" because they know that kid\'s that aren\'t lucky enough to get a scholarship and don\'t have jobs that can help them pay college tuition will be hypnotized to join up.
The majority of the military is made up of those kind of people and you\'ll be a damn liar to say otherwise.
Now they are dying b/c of a President that decided to attack with a blind fold. You say he had all this "evidence" and decided to act quickly about it. Hmm, where was this kind of enthusiasm before 9/11 and after all of those reports suggested a possible attack with airplanes?
Bin laden determined to attack inside the US.
Bin laden\'s kids in flight schools.
Hmmmmm, anybody with a brain would of done something about that connection.