Originally posted by GigaShadow
Whats wrong Black Sam the truth hurt? I don\'t support everything Bush does, but he is much more the man than Sharpton could ever hope to be jackass. How is that being hypocritical - we are talking about a persons character here not policies. So what if the "most" executions took place during the time he was governor!?!?!? I am pro capital punishment - doesn\'t bother me one bit.
Sharpton has as much political respect as David Duke - he was the joke of the primaries and now he is the joke of the convention. He did a lot more than protest with people who said cracker dumbass.
Are you blinded by racism that you can\'t see it? The evidence is overwhelming about Sharpton. Even Jesse Jackson who has had a slip of the tongue as well is 10 times the leader Sharpton is. Sharpton is two bit race baiter who:
Defended rapists.
Knowingly backed a woman who made up a story about being raped.
Incited hatred towards Jews in which 3 people were killed.
Should I go on?
Why did he do these things? Racism.
Now back to speech...
He didn\'t say anything new or enlightening. There wasn\'t one original thought in that whole thing. A great speech? Do you even know what one is? You are also failing to realize that people like Sharpton don\'t exactly help Kerry with the largest voter segment out there - moderates like myself.
For the record I am voting for Bush, but if Kerry wins I won\'t really care - in the end he will do the exact same thing regarding foreign policy that Bush did. I am not enthused about either, but it could be worse - Hillary Clinton could be running.
You a moderate?!?
Then what am I?
A conservative Democrat?
HAHAHA...Wow, this guy is a true Republican. Hey say hello to the KKK leader for me would ya?
"The issue of government is not to determine who may sleep together in the bedroom, it\'s to help those that might not be eating in the kitchen.
We cannot welcome those to come and then try and act as though any culture will not be respected or treated inferior. We cannot look at the Latino community and preach one language. No one gave them an English test before they sent them to Iraq to fight for America."
---You said the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. It is true that Mr. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, after which there was a commitment to give 40 acres and a mule.
That\'s where the argument, to this day, of reparations starts. We never got the 40 acres. We went all the way to Herbert Hoover, and we never got the 40 acres.
We didn\'t get the mule. So we decided we\'d ride this donkey as far as it would take us. ---
Wow, so you took that one bit and made it the center of the speech? I don\'t think he was bitching about the acres, the guy just made a point. GWB can\'t compare with Lincoln or Douglass. He isn\'t smart enough.
"It was those that earned our vote that got our vote. We got the Civil Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the Voting Rights Act under a Democrat. We got the right to organize under Democrats.
As I ran for president, I hoped that one child would come out of the ghetto like I did, could look at me walk across the stage with governors and senators and know they didn\'t have to be a drug dealer, they didn\'t have to be a hoodlum, they didn\'t have to be a gangster, they could stand up from a broken home, on welfare, and they could run for president of the United States."
I liked all of those quotes, specially the one about people preaching one language. Great.
Anyways, it\'s hard to argue with someone that is so far back in time.
You remind me of the father of the star of "American History X". You can work and deal with black people or minorities or whatever but when you get home you tell your kids how much their trying to infiltrate their lives and how they shouln\'t listen to all the stuff they say and all this other BS. If you\'ve seen the movie you\'ll know what I\'m talking about.