Originally posted by Titan
That may be true but the Predator has weapons and the gun on his shoulder that could kill an Alien in one shot.
So did the marines. (practically one shot..) The problem is, however, Predator sees in infra-red, and as we all know Xenomorphs don\'t show up on infra-red.
As far as the xenomorphs being able to see the predator, I doubt that\'d be a problem, though it\'s never explained how they actually see, I don\'t think it\'s normal vision, could be heat based, electronic based, etc. etc.
The Alien just has his tail and the second mouth.
And the face huggers (assuming they don\'t go with the aliens at the end of Resurection.. ugh), and acid blood, and you can guarantee that a queen xenomorph will make an appearance, and of course they will most definately have the numbers. Remember, they don\'t necessarily have to take down a predator to reproduce. If the movie takes place on earth (I\'m not sure, I haven\'t read about it), there will be a large number of potential hosts for the aliens to breed almost infinately (as far as the movie is concerned).