Originally posted by GigaShadow
You missed the point - the DP traditionally associates itself with the most radical black leaders and rarely mainstream ones. This guy looks relatively moderate, but once again his voice is not the loudest or most recognizable of the party. In all reality most voters will say "Barack WHO???" - his name doesn\'t help his ambitions if they are truly the presidency.
Speaking of black Republicans - Alan Keyes is deciding whether or not to run in place of Jack Ryan (aka Jerri Ryan from ST Voyager ex husband). Keyes makes some Republicans look like flaming liberals.
Mmm... the democratic party wont just associate with radical blacks. Sharpton hasnt even taken any serious positions anyway. I wouldnt consider him too much more than a strong voice within the democratic circle. Maybe not even strong, just "paid attention to." Its not like hes appointed to anything significant. Unless ive been living under a rock.
Obama has gotten pretty far during his time in the spot light. There is definately a higher acceptance rate for him than many other "black politicians" (Labels are so ugly). Anyway hes getting more attention than you seem to realize. How could you forget a name like his anyway? Perhaps hes just popular or "known" around here because i live in Illinois.
As for president: I could see it, regardless of his name. I think he would have a stronger chance than most black politicians. Keyes wouldnt stand a chance (just saying). I know so many people that hate his ass. Black republican is almost like an oxymoron, eventhough there are a couple in my family (some for reasons that dont make too much sense, but hey).
it seems you have the strongest vendettas against people Giga. Once you get going, you cant shut up. 1st moore then Sharpton. Who\'s next?