For Christs sake, the KKK is dead. I am curious since you guys (clips, Nicon, Quddus) keep bringing them up - did your parents tell you stories about them or something like they were the boogie man? I mean when was the last time anyone saw some people in sheets riding through the countryside in search of black people? The hate crimes you see now have nothing to do with long deceased KKK. They are individual acts of racism.
The Klan has been dead since the height of its popularity back in the 20\'s and 30\'s. Since then it has been on a steady decline and is now a fringe group with only a handful of members. They are a non factor in anything. The Feds have cracked down on the white supremist groups that were still around in the 1980\'s (New Order, Aryan Nation, etc). The Klan is a bad memory here in the South - the key word being memory. There hasn\'t been any organized Klan activity down here for at least 2 decades. I also fail to see the reasoning behind the Black Panthers arming themselves to protect themselves from the Klan... are you all really that misinformed? The Black Panthers were/are a RACIST organization, not to mention Marxist:
Influenced by the teachings of Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement, the BPP, originally called the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, called for the restructuring of American society to achieve social, political, and economic equality, based on principles of socialism.
The party platform consisted often points ("We want..."): 1. Freedom and Self-determination
2. Full employment for all Black people
3 Restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people
4. Decent housing
5. Education to give Black people knowledge of self and expose the true history of American society
6. Exemption from military service for all Black men who should not be forced to defend a racist government
7. An immediate end to police brutality
8. Release from prison for all Black people because they have not received a fair and impartial trial
9. All Black people who are brought to trial to be tried by a jury of their peers from the Black community
l0. Land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. As a major political objective, a United Nations supervised plebiscite for Black Americans to determine their will as to their national destiny.
What a joke! Clips they are racist and the black equivalent of the KKK. Black Power!?!?!?! Sounds an awful lot like White Power. :rolleyes:
Clips, racism isn\'t taught soley through the parents. Racism will exist as long as their are people of different color in this world. People throughout history have always been distrustful, resentful and jealous of other races due to the sole fact that they are different.