First of all WMD\'s weren\'t the only reason we invaded Iraq. Yes, none have been found as of this time and yes, it was one of the major reasons we invaded, but the war on terror is now primarily being fought in Iraq as opposed to here. The ones fighting US and coalition troops are not the ones who want freedom. They are the ones who want to set up a theocracy like Iran\'s or put another person like Saddam in power. You call that freedom??? The Iraqi\'s have been given a gift and if they chose not to use it and take advantage of all of its benefits it is their fault alone. The reality is post war Iraq is way more difficult than anyone predicted, but giving up and walking away is not the answer - it will just reenforce your belief that our servicemen have died for nothing.
A thousand soldiers is a price, but if you look at it in context with all of the other major American conflicts it is not that much. What I am interested in is the question of would you have been whining about casualities during WW2, WW1, the Korean War, etc? It seems that some can\'t stomach ANY losses and IMO that portrays our country as weak to our enemies. Your Iraqi "freedom fighters" don\'t lament over the number their losses do they?
As for attacking you - I respond to your posts which some of the time contradict themselves (see the "we need better education, but my grades suck" topics). I attack the content of your posts and if you looked yesterday I actually agreed with you in one post.