9 didn\'t have anything memorable about it except for the segment dealing with Vivi and his past and his people. Everything else was laughable drivel. I couldn\'t respect a single character in that game. Garnet, Zidane, Kuja... All worthless. X is about the same in that regard. I liked Rinoa and Squall\'s story, but it fell apart at the end when it turned Edea away from being the chief antagonist and introduced miscellaneous ultimate evil no. 283467236725. 7, as I said, stole so much from 6 that to give it credit for anything is really laughable. I thought 7 was totaly awesome, one of my favorite FF games of all time, but I know why it\'s one of my favorites and it\'s because 6 was as well and 7 is 6 with much less and the compromise of 3D.